Modern warfare call of duty 1 ending
Modern warfare call of duty 1 ending

modern warfare call of duty 1 ending

Like Zharkaev and his beliefs about Russia, Shepherd thinks the only way to return America to its former glory is through war. Shepherd, the commanding officer of Task Force 141. In Modern Warfare 2, we learn that there's another villain working in the shadows to create war between the US and Russia: Gen. Zharkaev hasn't shown up yet in Modern Warfare 2019, but it seems likely he wouldn't be far behind his former co-conspirator.

modern warfare call of duty 1 ending

It seems Spec Ops is showing us the early days of Al-Asad's operations, but his presence is a big suggestion that we might see events from the original Modern Warfare in the next game. It was also revealed that he was working with Zharkaev, and that the events in Al-Asad's country set things in motion that eventually led to Russia attacking the US and World War III. If you remember the plot of the original game, you know that Al-Asad eventually set off a nuclear weapon in his country. The opening cutscene sees the return of a villain from the original game: Kaled Al-Asad, a military leader who, at the start of the 2007 game, led a coup in a Middle Eastern country. Start the cooperative Spec Ops mode and you can continue the story of Modern Warfare 2019 with more missions. And it seems that this new game could be setting up a reimagined version of some of the events of the first Modern Warfare, as well as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. That puts the new Modern Warfare into a rebooted timeline before the events of the original game-we're seeing Price set up Task Force 141, whereas in Modern Warfare 2007, the group is already in operation. That leads to the creation of Task Force 141, with Price running down which soldiers he'd like to recruit for the group, which will fight terrorists and rogue military leaders like those seen in Modern Warfare. Price sees the need for a new military unit that can go to hot spots around the world, without implicating any particular government with its operations. The post-credits scene of Modern Warfare 2019 sees Captain Price meeting with CIA agent Kate Laswell to discuss the future.

#Modern warfare call of duty 1 ending series

But there are more Modern Warfare series regulars mentioned toward the end of the game, which suggests we might see some of the original franchise's plot points get reimagined as well. Modern Warfare 2019 doesn't include those old villains, instead focusing on the crisis taking place in a fictional, Russian-occupied Middle Eastern country called Urzikstan. Those games saw a Russian ultranationalist named Irman Zharkaev attempting to destabilize world politics in order to trigger a world war between the US and Russia-with the help of an American general. To understand the direction of Modern Warfare 2019's ending, you need to remember the plot from the original series. Now Playing: London House Raid From The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Campaign Gameplay By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's

Modern warfare call of duty 1 ending